Stealing from our websites and sharing that content is not only illegal but also harms you, the genuine customer. The money we bring in from memberships helps us to discover new models and continue to bring you the massive amount of material and models that we are famous for. Without that income, our budgets would drop and so would the amount of content.
The theft of adult content is not victimless. We work on very tight budgets and to bring out websites and DVDs to you, we employ worldwide staff in production, website management, editing, customer service, marketing and all support staff as well as the 100s of models we pay each year.
Most importantly, posting of our content elswhere, harms you, our valued customers.
Help us to continue to bring you the best in transgender erotica.
Please use this form to report any illegal copies of our files (photos, website videos or DVDs) that you have found.
Below please copy and paste the links to illegal files that you have found. Please also tell us what site you found these links on. If you know the name of the scene or DVD, please list that also.
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