
Through The Benz: Six months and counting!

November 4th, 2016|

I just realized it was six months ago this week that I began writing Through The Benz on, so I thought I’d write a short column looking back over the past half year and share my thoughts about what it’s been like for me to write the column and

The story of me and my car

October 12th, 2016|

My car and I have a long history together which began way back in 1997. I’m not the kind of person to get attached to a vehicle or give it a name, but after all these years I do feel a bond with my car. She doesn’t have a name,

FSC Looking for #NoProp60 Volunteers for Folsom Street Fair

September 14th, 2016|

Friends in the San Fran area and around town, here's an important message from Siouxsie Q and the Free Speech Coalition: Dear friends, I need your help this Folsom. We need 50+ volunteers to pass out#NoProp60 materials at all 12 entrances. Please consider donating just a few hours of your

A Day in the Life

September 1st, 2016|

One of my favorite songs, “A Day In The Life” by the Beatles, came to mind when thinking of a title for this column, which wasn’t the original post I had intended for today, but the events of the past 24 hours (Monday August 29th – Tuesday August 30th) kind

The Joy of Dancing

August 24th, 2016|

For most of my life I hated dancing. I can count on one hand the number of times I danced prior to my transition, and those were at the insistence of my wife when I was married. But then at the ripe old age of 53 I finally became enlightened

Becca Benz exclusive interview with: Becca Benz!

July 20th, 2016|

Hello Becca, and thank you for agreeing to do this interview! Thank you Becca, I’m a big fan of your writing and it’s an honor to be interviewed by you! Okay, seriously. I’ve been thinking about doing a question and answer column for a while now and I thought this

The truth about trans women and our penises

July 13th, 2016|

One of the most common misconceptions society has about trans women is that we all hate our penises and would like nothing better than to chop them off if we had the chance. To set the record straight, even if we elect to have Genital Reconstructive Surgery, the penis is

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” – Kate Moss

July 6th, 2016|

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” – Kate Moss We’ve all heard that infamous quote made by Kate Moss in 2009 that sparked outrage and has also been used as a rallying cry by pro-eating disorder websites. I never really understood what she meant, but now I actually do,

Krista Michaels on art, politics, and being trans

June 29th, 2016|

Krista Michaels is someone I have a great deal of respect for and have wanted to interview for a long time, so I’m very excited to have this opportunity. She is socially aware and has strong opinions about the issues we face, and is very accomplished in a variety of

Aging Gracefully

June 22nd, 2016|

When I first got into modeling I was worried about my age and considered it a hindrance to being successful. It was a harsh realization that the majority of models in the industry are the same ages as my sons. So I listed my age as ten years younger than

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