The Grooby Girls Xmas TGirl Competition Special!


The Grooby Girls Xmas Tgirl Competition Special!!!

Closing date – January 4th 2015

Submit ASAP

The earlier we get it, the more publicity we can give you!

Here’s the skinny … either wearing one of our very special Grooby Girls Xmas T-shirts OR or another Grooby Girls Tshirt OR a Grooby Girls tattoo, send us a collection of your best Xmas photos taken by yourself (selfies) or your friends. Points will particularly be awarded for outdoor shoots, hot sets, making sure there is Xmas or seasonal themes in the photos and anything creative.   We’ve had lots of entries for previous competitions but we aim to go into 2015 with this being the largest yet, which is why we’ve increased the prizes – win Amazon Gift Cards and start your New Year with a bang!

Grooby has a lot of exciting ideas for Grooby Girls and other transsexual model opportunities for 2015, so if you want to be part of it, this is the place.   We are open to anyone, whether you have been a model with us, or not.  This isn’t just for models but for any tgirls who are super Grooby!

Previous winners for the Halloween competitions created photo sets.

You can do what you wish!

You can enter as many times as you wish by sending the photos to; with any text and social media or website links you wish to add.

Videos will also be accepted.

TWO TOP PRIZE WINNERS OF: $100 Amazon Gift Card Each
TWO RUNNERS UP OF $50 Amazon Gift Card Each

We’re ready right now for your photos. Don’t miss this!

Published On: November 26th, 2014Categories: Featured Post, NewsTags: ,

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