Important info for Grooby producers

When you book a model (new or returning) email her (so you have a record) or text (and screen cap the text) the Code of Conduct link and ask her to read it.

Complete the model release before the shoot.   Set up a camera or record on your phone.  Read each question to her. You can ask her to read it prior to the shoot which may speed things up. Also print it out and let her read it first and have it front of her, while you ask the questions which should also speed it up. 

Introduction: “Federal law requires us to obtain some information from you, and to have you sign some documents. We’ll also need to check your ID and have you sign our contract. The best way we have found to comply with federal law and create the proper records is to record what we’re doing here. Do I have your permission to record this interview?”

1. Please tell us your legal name.
2. What is your date of birth?
3. How old does that make you?
4. Please show us your identification documents and tell us what they are.
5. Please hold your ID up to your face.
6. Is that your picture?
7. Is that your signature on your ID?
8. Are you under the influence of any drugs here today – legal or illegal?
9. Which ones? [If applicable: Do they in any way affect your thinking, or your ability to understand what you’re doing here today? If yes – terminate production.]
10. Are you under the influence of alcohol? [If yes – terminate the production.]
11. Please take a look at the Compliance Form and Model Release and review it. [On camera.] Please feel free to take your time. 
12. Do you have any questions about the documents?
13. Please fill out, initial where appropriate and sign the documents
 14. Do you understand that the images and video we create will be used in adult oriented media and published on the Internet? 
15. Are you comfortable with that?
16. Have you listed all of your other names, aliases, stage names or maiden name on the compliance form?
17. Please hold the signature pages up to the camera.
18. Is that your signature?
19. Do you have any questions about what you signed or what you’re doing here today?

Introduction: We need to ask you some follow up questions to make sure that everything went ok with the shoot that you participated in here today. Can we record this?”

1. First of all, were you comfortable with everything that occurred on the shoot? [If not, please describe]
2. Did you consent to all the activities that occurred?
3. Are you happy with the way you have been treated?
4. Do you have any concerns about anything that happened, or the way you were treated?
5. Have you been paid for your services here today?
6. Again, do you understand that the content we created will be used on an adult website, or other adult media?

US models must be given a W9 and you are responsible for sending their 1099 forms – seek advice on this if you need.

The videos need to be uploaded to your 2257/release area for each model, on your allocated FTP.

We would also encourage you to either set up a static camera at the shoot location recording the whole shoot, or to wear a body cam from the moment the model comes to the shoot (or you pick her up). Let the model know it’s only to create a record, and it will not be published, or shown to anyone and is to protect both her and you.

Any questions or concerns please contact us at

Model release form:


Published On: April 20th, 2021Categories: Uncategorized

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